
Wat zijn de kenmerken van eerstegraads bevriezing?


Bobak Zonnoor , MD Arts-assistent, Afdeling Spoedeisende Hulp, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Kings County Hospital
Bobak Zonnoor , MD is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: American College of Emergency Physicians
Openbaarmaking: Niets openbaar te maken.


Dirk M Elston, MD Hoogleraar en voorzitter, afdeling Dermatologie en Dermatologische Chirurgie, Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine
Dirk M Elston, MD is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: American Academy of Dermatology
Disclosure: Niets bekend te maken.

Aanvullende medewerkers

David Cheng, MD Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Education Director, Associate Emergency Medicine Residency Director, Case Medical Center
David Cheng, MD is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: American College of Emergency Physicians, International Society for Mountain Medicine, Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors, American Heart Association, National Association of EMS Physicians, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Society of Critical Care Medicine, Wilderness Medical Society
Disclosure: Niets bekend te maken.

C Crawford Mechem, MD, MS, FACEP Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; Emergency Medical Services Medical Director, Philadelphia Fire Department
C Crawford Mechem, MD, MS, FACEP is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: American College of Emergency Physicians, National Association of EMS Physicians, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Openbaarmaking: Niets openbaar te maken.

Ramy Yakobi, MD, MBA Medical Director, Department of Emergency Medicine, Beth Israel Medical Center
Ramy Yakobi, MD, MBA is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: American Academy of Emergency Medicine, American College of Emergency Physicians
Disclosure: Niets bekend te maken.

Tonya M Thompson, MD, MA Assistant Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine, Associate Fellowship Director, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship, Associate Medical Director, The PULSE Simulation Center, Arkansas Children’s Hospital, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine
Tonya M Thompson, MD, MA is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: Academic Pediatric Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Emergency Physicians, American Medical Women’s Association, Phi Beta Kappa, Southern Society for Pediatric Research
Disclosure: Niets te onthullen.


xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comH Scott Bjerke, MD, FACS Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine; Medical Director of Trauma Services, Research Medical Center; Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comH Scott Bjerke, MD, FACS is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: American Association for the History of Medicine, American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, American College of Surgeons, Association for Academic Surgery, Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Midwest Surgical Association, National Association of EMS Physicians, Pan-Pacific Surgical Association, Royal Society of Medicine, Southwestern Surgical Congress, andWilderness Medical Society xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niets bekend te maken. xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comBurt Cagir, MD, FACS Assistant Professor of Surgery, State University of New York, Upstate Medical Center; Consulting Staff, Director of Surgical Research, Robert Packer Hospital; Associate Program Director, Department of Surgery, Guthrie Clinic xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comBurt Cagir, MD, FACS is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: American College of Surgeons, American Medical Association, en Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niets te onthullen. xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comJohn Geibel, MD, DSc, MA Vice-Voorzitter, Hoogleraar, Afdeling Chirurgie, Sectie Gastro-intestinale Geneeskunde en Afdeling Cellulaire en Moleculaire Fysiologie, Yale University School of Medicine; Directeur Chirurgisch Onderzoek, Afdeling Chirurgie, Yale-New Haven Ziekenhuis xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comJohn Geibel, MD, DSc, MA is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: American Gastroenterological Association, American Physiological Society, American Society of Nephrology, Association for Academic Surgery, International Society of Nephrology, New York Academy of Sciences, and Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: AMGEN Royalty Overig xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDawn Hackshaw, MD Consulting Staff, Northwest Pediatrics, Inc xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niets te onthullen. xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDavid L Morris, MD, PhD Professor, Afdeling Chirurgie, St George Hospital, Universiteit van New South Wales, Australië xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: RFA Medical Geen directeur; MRC Biotec Geen directeur xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comHarold K Simon, MD, MBA Hoogleraar kindergeneeskunde en spoedeisende geneeskunde, Associate Division Director of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Director of Research, Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comHarold K Simon, MD, MBA is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: Ambulatory Pediatric Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Pediatric Society, en Sigma Xi xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niets te onthullen. xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comFrancisco Talavera, PharmD, PhD Senior Pharmacy Editor, eMedicine xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: eMedicine Salary Employment xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comAmit Tevar, MD Staff Physician, Department of Surgery, Methodist Hospital of Indianapolis and University of Indiana xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comAmit Tevar, MD is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: Indiana State Medical Association xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niets bekend te maken. xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comMary L Windle, PharmD Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy; Editor-in-Chief, Medscape Drug Reference xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niets bekend te maken. xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comWayne Wolfram, MD, MPH Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Mercy St Vincent Medical Center xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comWayne Wolfram, MD, MPH is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: American Academy of Emergency Medicine, American Academy of Pediatrics, en Society for Academic Emergency Medicine xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niets te onthullen

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