
Najnowsze narzędzia do łamania haseł

Łamanie haseł i związane z tym narzędzia do łamania haseł są często obszarem bezpieczeństwa informacji i hacking, że ludzie są najbardziej podekscytowani, oh wow mogę włamać się do haseł e-mail? Dostajemy e-maile prawie codziennie z pytaniem, jak złamać czyjeś hasło do Facebooka, lub odzyskać dane uwierzytelniające do strony internetowej itp.
Password Cracking

Co to jest Password Cracking?

Jak powszechnie się definiuje:
In cryptanalysis and computer security, password cracking is the process of recovering passwords from data that have been stored in or transmitted by a computer system. A common approach (brute-force attack) is to try guesses repeatedly for the password and check them against an available cryptographic hash of the password.The purpose of password cracking might be to help a user recover a forgotten password (installing an entirely new password is less of a security risk, but it involves System Administration privileges), to gain unauthorized access to a system, or as a preventive measure by system administrators to check for easily crackable passwords. On a file-by-file basis, password cracking is utilized to gain access to digital evidence for which a judge has allowed access but the particular file's access is restricted.
Z Wikipedii.

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