
Behinderung & Sonderpädagogik Akronyme

Ein Wirrwarr aus bunten Schaumstoffbuchstaben.

Aktualisiert im Juni 2020

Willkommen in der Buchstabensuppe der Sonderpädagogik!
Die Behindertengemeinschaft ist voll von Akronymen, die Menschen ständig schriftlich und im Gespräch verwenden, und es ist wichtig zu wissen, wofür diese Akronyme stehen. Akronyme werden verwendet, um Namen oder Ausdrücke abzukürzen. Das CPIR freut sich, diese Liste mit sonderpädagogischen und behindertenbezogenen Akronymen zur Verfügung zu stellen, und hofft, dass sie unseren Lesern hilft, die Bedeutung wichtiger Akronyme in diesem Bereich schnell zu verstehen.

A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – – – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z


A Akronyme

AAC | Alternative Augmentative Communication

ABA | Applied Behavioral Analysis

ABC | Antecedent, Behavior (Verhalten), Consequence

ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act

ADD/ADHD | Attention Deficit/Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADLs | Activities of Daily Living

ADR | Alternative Dispute Resolution

AIM | Zugängliche Unterrichtsmaterialien

APE | Adaptive Physical Education

APR | Annual Performance Report

ARD | Admission, Review, and Dismissal Committee

ARRA | American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

ASD | Autism Spectrum Disorders

ASL | American Sign Language

AT | Assistive Technology

ATA | Assistive Technology Act

AYP | Adequate Yearly Progress

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B Akronyme

BD | Behavioral Disorder

BIE | Bureau of Indian Education

BIP | Behavioral Intervention Plan

BOE | Board of Education

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C Akronyme

CAP | Client Assistance Program

CAP | Corrective Action Plan

CAPD | Central Auditory Processing Disorder

CAPTA | Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act

CBA | Curriculum Based Assessment

CC | Closed Captioning

CCSS | Common Core State Standards

CDA | Child Development Associate

CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CEC | Council for Exceptional Children

CF | Cystische Fibrose

CFR | Code of Federal Regulations

CHIP | Children’s Health Insurance Program

CIFMS | Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System

COP | Community of Practice

CP | Cerebral Palsy

CPIR | Center for Parent Information and Resources (das sind wir!)

CPRC | Community Parent Resource Center

CSHCN | Children with Special Health Care Needs

CSPD | Comprehensive System of Personnel Development

CST | Child Study Team

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D Akronyme

DB | Deaf-Blind

DD | Developmental Delay

DD Act | Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act

DIBELS | Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy

DoDDS | Department of Defense Dependent Schools

DS | Down-Syndrom

DSM | Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders von der American Psychiatric Association

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E Akronyme

EBP | Evidenz-based Practice

ECE | Early Childhood Education

ECSE | Early Childhood Special Education

ED | Emotional Disturbance

ED | U.S. Department of Education

EDGAR | Education Department General Administrative Regulations

EHA | Education of the Handicapped Act of the Handicapped Act (jetzt IDEA)

EHDI | Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program

EI | Early Intervention

EIS | Early Intervening Services

ELL | English Language Learner

EMH | Educable Mentally Handicapped **

EMR | Educable Mentally Retarded **

EPSDT |Early Periodic Screening, Diagnose und Behandlung

ERIC | Education Resources Information Center

ESD | Extended School Day

ESEA | Elementary and Secondary Education Act (jetzt ESSA genannt)

ESL | English as a Second Language

ESSA | Every Student Succeeds Act

ESY oder EYS | Extended School Year oder Extended Year Services

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F Akronyme

FAPE | Free Appropriate Public Education

FAS | Fetales Alkoholsyndrom

FBA | Functional Behavioral Assessment

FC | Facilitated Communication

FEOG | Full Educational Opportunity Goal

FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

FOIA | Freedom of Information Act

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G und H Akronyme

GE | Allgemeine Bildung

GPRA | Government Performance and Results Act

GT | Gifted and Talented

HI | Hearing Impaired

HO | Hearing Officer

HoH | Hard of Hearing

HOUSSE | High Objective Uniform State Standards of Evaluation

HQT | Highly Qualified Teacher

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I Akronyme

IA | Instructional Assistant

IAES | Interim Alternative Educational Setting

ID | Intellectual Disabilities

IDEA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

IEE | Independent Educational Evaluation

IEP | Individualized Education Program

IES | Institute of Education Sciences

IFSP | Individualized Family Service Plan

IHE | Institution of Higher Education

ITCA | Infants and Toddlers Coordinators Association

ITP | Individualized Transition Plan

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L, M, und N Akronyme

LD | Lernschwäche

LEA | Local Education Agency

LEP | Limited English Proficiency

LRE | Least Restrictive Environment

MD | Muscular Dystrophy

MD oder MH | Multiple Disabilities oder Multiply Handicapped

MDR | Manifestation Determination Review

MMR | Mildly Mentally Retarded **

Mod MR | Mäßig geistig behindert **

MOU | Memorandum of Understanding

MR | Mental Retardation **

MTSS | Multi-Tiered System of Supports

NASDSE | National Association of State Directors of Special Education

NCLB | No Child Left Behind Act (Elementary and Secondary Education Act, reauthorized in 2015 as ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act)

NIH | National Institutes of Health

NIMAS | National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard

NIMH | National Institute of Mental Health

NPRM | Notice of Proposed Rule Making

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O Akronyme

OCD | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

OCR | Office for Civil Rights

ODD | Oppositional Defiant Disorder

OHI | Other Health Impairment

OI | Orthopädische Beeinträchtigung

O & M | Orientierungs- und Mobilitätshilfen

OSEP | Office of Special Education Programs at the U.S. Department of Education

OT | Occupational Therapy

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P und R Akronyme

P&A | Protection & Advocacy

PALS | Peer-Assisted Learning System

PARCC | Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers

PASS | Plan for Achieving Self-Support

PBS | Positive Behavioral Supports

PCA | Personal Care Attendant

PD | Physical Disability

PDD | Pervasive Developmental Disorder (der Begriff wird nicht mehr verwendet; seit 2013, Autismus-Spektrum-Störung)

PEI | Spanisches Akronym für den Individualisierten Bildungsplan (Plan Educativo Individualizado)

Perkins Act | Carl Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act

PII | Personally Identifiable Information

PLEP oder PLP | Derzeitige(s) Niveau(s) der schulischen Leistung oder Derzeitige(s) Leistungsniveau

PP | Paraprofessional

PS | Vorschule

PT | Physiotherapie

PTAC | Parent Technical Assistance Center

PTI | Parent Training and Information Center

RDA | Results-Driven Accountability

RFP | Request for Proposals

RS | Related Services

RTI | Response to Intervention

RTTT | Race to the Top Fund

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S Akronyme

§ | Dieses Symbol bedeutet „Abschnitt“ wie in „§ 300.7 Kind mit einer Behinderung“ in den IDEA-Bestimmungen

SAS | Ergänzende Hilfen und Dienste

SB | Spina Bifida

SCHIP | State Children’s Health Insurance Program

SE | Special Education

SEA | State Education Agency

SEAC | Special Beratungsausschuss für Sonderpädagogik

Sektion 504 | Abschnitt 504 des Rehabilitationsgesetzes

SED | Schwere emotionale Störung

SEPAC | Special Education Parent Advisory Council

SI | Sensory Integration

SIG | State Improvement Grant

SIMR | State-Identified Measurable Results for Children with Disabilities

SIP | State Implementation Plan

SLD | Specific Learning Disability Disability

SLI | Speech/Language Impairment

SLP | Speech/Language Pathologist

SPOA | Specific Power of Attorney

SPP | State Performance Plan

SSDI | Social Security Disability Income

SSI | Supplemental Security Income

SSIP | State Systemic Improvement Plan

SST | Student Study Team

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T bis Z Akronyme

TA&D | Technical Assistance and Dissemination Netzwerk, finanziert durch das Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)

TANF | Temporary Assistance to Needy Families

TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury

TDD | Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf

TMH | Trainable Mentally Handicapped **

TMR | Trainable Mentally Retarded **

TS | Tourette Syndrome

T-TA | Training and Technical Assistance

TTY | Teletypewriter (Telefonsystem für Gehörlose)

TWWIIA | Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act

VI | Visual Impairment

Voc Ed | Vocational Education

VR | Vocational Rehabilitation

WIC | Women, Infants and Children (Special Supplemental Food Program)

WWC | What Works Clearinghouse

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** Anmerkung der Redaktion **
Bis Oktober 2010 wurde in IDEA der Begriff „mental retardation“ verwendet.“ Im Oktober 2010 wurde das Rosa’s Law von Präsident Obama in Kraft gesetzt. Rosa’s Law änderte den in Zukunft zu verwendenden Begriff in „geistige Behinderung“. Die Definition des Begriffs selbst änderte sich nicht, nur die Verwendung von „geistiger Behinderung“ anstelle von „mentaler Retardierung“


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